Monday, May 25, 2015

We bought the farm!

Exciting news! On May 5th, 2015 we officially closed on the 25-acre farm in the Town of Poughkeepsie. Our goal is to be brewing on our new 10 bbl system before the end of 2015 and we hope to invite the public in to see the farm and facility by Spring 2016. Until then, we can still find us at the Beacon Farmers Market every Sunday from 10 AM to 3 PM. 
The day of the closing we went to the farm and
watched the sunset. So happy to be on the farm!!

Why the Expansion?

In order for Plan Bee Farm Brewery to fully achieve our mission of growing and processing all our ingredients, we must move to a larger property. Our current location in Fishkill is less than an acre in size, which makes us unable to produce our own grain, whereas the farm property in Poughkeepsie is 25 farmable acres. On this property, we intend to expand our hop fields; add an orchard; increase the growth of aromatic herbs, fruits and vegetables; and begin growing and malting our own barley, wheat and rye grains. There is a barn on the farm that was built in the 1800’s in which we intend on moving our production after making renovations.

The demand from the public for Plan Bee Farm Brewery’s brews has been astounding. In June 2014, we saw our bottle sales jump, thanks to everyone's support. As the demand grew in our first year, we had to enforce bottle restrictions per customer and we had to increase the number of days we brew per week. However, even with these restrictions, we are still unable to meet the demand of our community. Although most craft breweries begin their operations with 15-20 barrel systems, we have elected to start with a 10 barrel system given our aim of producing 100% NYS ingredient beers and in light of our crop growing potential. The expansion of our brewhouse will allow us to better meet the demand from our community. 

What to expect in 2015-2016

The Barn: The barn once renovated will hold our ten-barrel brewhouse, bottling line, packaging materials and two ten-barrel oak, open fermenters. We will use the cellar of the barn to house our cooperage for barrel aging and our coolship (a traditional Belgian farmhouse vessel used to cool beer and collect microflora/terroir). This structure will house all our needs for beer production and storage.

The Shed: We will need to build an additional structure to house our tractor, combine, grain cleaner, gravity wagon, grain drill, floor malting, etc. This structure will be used for our farming operations and malt production only.

Farmland: The farm is laid out on a ridge and has a variety of soil types.

Northwest Fields: We intend on planting grain, which we will put on a crop rotation that includes red clover, buckwheat, and other useable crops. We haven't quite determined the exact rotation but are working with other farmers and farm managers to make a plan!

Northeastern Fields: We hope to put in an orchard in this region that will include 6 beehives (an increase from our current 2 hives). We hope to include fruit bushes eventually.

Eastern Fields: The lower fields are not very well drained but we intend on using this to our advantage. We want to put our hop fields here as these fields are wetter and thus more suitable for the growth of hops. We will need to install a trellis system here as hops grow vertically up to 30 ft.

Southwest Fields: There is a cleared pasture on the property that is currently housing our neighbors cows. We intend on using this field for grain production as well for which we will utilize in a crop rotation program.

Center Fields: The barn is located in the very center of the property. We intend on building raised beds that will be located on the north facing side of the barn. This is where we will grow our herbs, fruits and vegetables that we will use in our seasonal beer recipes.

SO much work ahead of us but our excitement and determination along with all of your support is propelling us forward!


  1. Congratulations! Such great news. Best of luck with the build, farm hands unite!

  2. Well done! I bet you won’t be able to get much sleep the moment you start tilling the land. Planting, growing and harvesting on 25 acres; an orchard, vegetable garden, and a brewery—when will you ever sleep? The plan sounds great! I hope your barn to brewery renovations go well. You sound like you know what you’re doing.

    Melvin @ Evolve Group
