Thursday, June 2, 2011


We have 10 days left until we pack up the car and pull out of Tarrytown, NY and begin living on the road. Evan's first show is in West Palm Beach, Florida on June 15th but we need a few days to get ourselves down there.

In preparation for our summer with Def Leppard, I drove to Indiana today to drop off our puppy dog, Abbey Road to live the 4 hottest months of the year with Dwight and Jamie Watson (Evan's parents). Evan couldn't make the trip with me because he has to attend a music conference in San Diego this week.

Evan and I decided that leaving the dog with his parents was the healthiest decision for Abbey. Traveling in a car multiple hours a day and sleeping on the folded down seats of our Ford in the hottest months of the years (with out AC) could be considered torture for a dog and quite frankly sounds like be a form of human torture that Evan and I are willing signing up for.

I know it is best for Abbey to stay in Indiana where she will have a yard to play in every day, daily walks and weekends at the 20 acre property. But I couldn't help myself from crying as I pulled out of the Watson's driveway and continued to cry whenever a ballad came on the radio.

I am sure crying is a pretty normal reaction to leaving behind your family dog for several months since Abbey is like a member of my family but my upbringing made me believe I would react differently. Growing up my mother believed in 'disposal pets' which isn't as barbaric as it sounds. We didn't grind up our kittens after a year, it was much more organic than that. For example, my mother was selling our family couch so she put out an ad in our local newspaper. A few days later, a lovely couple answered the ad and came to look at the couch. Our cat at the time, Sadie was taking a mid afternoon nap among the couch pillows. The couple commented on how nicely Sadie's charcoal colored fur and little pink nose matched the navy blue and rouge accented fabric that surrounded her. So, my mother says "Yes, she does match the couch. Do you want to take the cat along with the couch?" And that was the last we saw of Sadie.

I don't ever remember crying over the disappearances of cats, dogs, birds, hermit crabs, lizards, newts and frogs throughout the years since we only had each animal for a little over a year. As if each one of our Fluffy's, Mr. Whiskers, Peppy's, Peach's, etc. had expiration dates stamped under there fir, feathers and scales they left our household never reaching a 2 year anniversary. This made me believe that it wouldn't be difficult to leave Abbey for a few months. I can rationalize with my emotions; this it is best for Abbey's health, I will see her again in 4 months and given my upbringing I should be tough as nails. Nope, crying like a baby over the absence of my 1 year old baby girl, German Sheppard/Chihuahua mix!

I am included a picture so you can see this strange mixed breed, but beware she will capture your heart even through still photography!

As a part of the trip to Indiana today I had our Ford outfitted with a hitch for the 5' x 8' trailer that I will be picking up in Ohio this weekend. I am hoping to get "Evan Watson" painted on the side or printed on an extra large magnet so that everyone knows were coming! I will fill you in on that adventure as I have never driven a car with a trailer before so there will be a story of tragedy or hilarity so stay tuned for that.

The last bit of preparation needed before hitting the road is dividing up our positions into categories; items to sell, items to pack into our storage unit and items to bring on the road with us. This will not be an easy task but I will have June 6th through the 11th to get this done and without a job and the help of Evan it shouldn't be difficult to meet our deadline. Does anyone need any furniture? We have liquidation prices on all items!!

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